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C&C Cages for Guinea Pigs

Our pets are special to us. For most of us, we delight in their company and look forward to just seeing them grow. That is why we need to provide them with a good place to live in.

Some guinea pig owners would opt to put their pets in enclosed cages. By doing so, they are restricting the space these guinea pigs can move in. This is the reason why C&C cages have been created for guinea pigs. We have created C&C Cages for guinea pigs that are spacious enough and easily adjustable for however furry friends you own.

Click here to find out more about Offbeat Club’s C&C cages.


What is a C&C Cage?

C&C stands for cubes & coroplast - cubes, meaning the grids that make up the walls of the cage essentially turning it into a cube, and coroplast, the material with which the base is made of. The grids are like storage shelves, which snap together using special connectors. The coroplast base goes inside so that your guinea pigs are not running around, pooping & peeing on the floor. To make it more comfortable for them, it is highly recommended to add liners over the coroplast base.

These cages are highly customizable and extendable to suit any number of guinea pigs you are caring for.


Why Your Guinea Pigs Deserve a Bigger Space

Like humans, pets also need a place that is suitable to live in. Guinea pigs deserve no less than that. Here are some reasons why you should provide them a larger space.


Own Space

Guinea pigs are social creatures, meaning, it is highly recommended to adopt in pairs. Providing a larger space promotes peaceful co-existence among guinea pigs.

Crowded guinea pig cages may cause guinea pigs to fight for territory (especially males). We don’t want that to happen! We definitely want them to feel unrestricted when they move around.

Each guinea pig must also have their own hidey, especially if they want their own space. A smaller cage might not have ample room to provide them that. Large guinea pig cages create enough of a healthy living space for multiple guinea pigs.



Providing larger space makes living conditions for our guinea pigs more sanitary. By doing so, their waste would not be compiled into all their living space, and the bathroom could be separated from our pets’ napping / playing areas.

With a small confined space, guinea pigs won’t have a choice but to dwell constantly in their own waste, leading to unsanitary living conditions that can develop into life-threatening situations.



It can get scary when our pets develop medical conditions. Apart from feeding them the right food, the place where they live is also important.

Guinea pigs are more likely to develop medical conditions from unsanitary conditions. By having more room, they can have a separate space where they can poop & pee, which could not happen if they are crammed in a small cage.

Make sure to clean their beddings. When covered in urine and feces, it can be the main cause of excessive bacterial growth, which ultimately leads to infections. Offbeat Club’s coroplast base is made of corrugated plastic, which is both thick & durable. This would allow easy cleanup especially when you need to take the bedding out to wash it.



Guinea pigs need to keep active, too! Putting them in a larger cage will give them enough space to exercise and roam to their heart’s content reducing chances for heart diseases, obesity, and depression. You might think that a chubby guinea pig is cute, but it might not be healthy.

Putting toys & tubes inside their cage will allow them to freely run around & play, which could be part of their daily activities.



Stress-free guinea pigs are more likely to be open for socializing and human interaction. Happy piggies are always willing to play and bond with their owners. Not having enough space can contribute to that stress which can make our pets unwilling to interact or play with. If this happens, owners might not be able to see a guinea pig’s true personality.


How Big Should a Guinea Pig C&C Cage Be?

C&C Cages for 2 or More Guinea Pigs

The Humane Society of the United States provides guidelines on the appropriate space for guinea pigs. These were the basis for the sizes we carry for our C&C cages. If you follow the diagram above, it will provide you the right cage size for your guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs are not meant to be alone. So if you have  2 guinea pigs, the minimum space they need is 7.5 square feet. However, 10.5 square feet is preferred. Therefore the C&C Cage you need for 2 guinea pigs will be sizes 2x3 or 2x4.

For 3 guinea pigs, they will need a minimum space of 10.5 square feet, but the ideal is 13 square feet. This means the C&C Cage you need for 3 guinea pigs are 2x5 or bigger.

The C&C  Cage you need for 4 guinea pigs would require an even bigger space: a minimum of 13 square feet, which means for 4 guinea pigs a C&C Cage 2x6 or bigger should be suitable.

Offbeat Club offers different sizes for guinea pig cages ranging from 7.5 to 16 square feet. Click this link to find out more about our C&C cages.


Are C&C Cages Safe?

C&C Cages have been used by guinea pig parents new and old for more than a decade! In fact, many rescue organizations, pet experts, and veterinarians recommend using C&C Cages for guinea pigs. C&C Cages are made to create a safe and humane way for a guinea pig's lifestyle.

It is important to note that if you have baby guinea pigs, squared grids may be a unsafe as the holes are too big. You may want to wait until your guinea pigs are at least 8 weeks old when it comes to placing them in C&C Cages. If you still want to place them in a C&C Cage, consider baby-proofing your cage by placing cardboard between the wall and the grid so that your guinea pigs are unable to put their heads through the holes of the cage. Otherwise, always consider running a test with your guinea pigs, because not all guinea pigs come in the same shape or size.


How Safe Are OffBeat Club C&C Cages?

Offbeat Club C&C Cages were created to be very sturdy and safe for guinea pigs. Most C&C cages are 1x1 grids which can be very unstable. Offbeat Club C&C Grids are 2x1 which not only makes them safer, but it also makes them bigger. Bigger grids are more convenient for you and your pets. Bigger grids mean that they are easier to put together, take apart, and less trouble of storing and putting away as well. Our Offbeat Club C&C Grids are also durable upon impact and were made with a powder coating that prevents it from chipping and keep it looking aesthetically pleasing than other cages.

Our Offbeat Club connectors are made with two materials, plastic and silicon. The plastic makes them durable and heavy enough to stay in place. The silicon creates a grip effect on floors so the cage does not slide around. Along with our Offbeat Club C&C Cages, we also include zip ties in case you prefer the cage connectors to harder to pull apart. 

Our Offbeat Club C&C Cages also include a coroplast guards.  The coroplast guards cover the edges and openings of the coroplast. The coroplast guards  make the material round, smooth, and harder for their teeth to access.

Our Offbeat Club C&C Cages for guinea pigs are made to be as durable and spacious as possible. These features are extremely important to consider when searching for a safe cage for your guinea pigs to live in. All our Offbeat Club Cages consist of features that make your guinea pig's lifestyle a safe, healthy, and happy one.

Comments (3)

  • Sonja Sciarone on Apr 19, 2022

    Hi, I love these offbeat CC cages. How can I buy them as I live in New Zealand. Thanks

  • Maria on Dec 23, 2021

    Thank you so much for such a detailed and right article. As an owner of 5 piggies, who changed several cages before C and C, I totally agree. That’s the best approach we can construct, expand, enhance and create individually cut custom cages for each piggie group’s needs :).

  • Gagandeep singh on Sep 10, 2021

    May i get this cage in india?

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